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Hotel Nuevo Boston


Roberto is the Front Office Manager of Hotel Nuevo Boston in Madrid. Given it’s strategic location close to Madrid Airport, the Nuevo Boston Hotel welcome a lot of returning guests. Of course they are very happy to welcome returning guests, but a large portion of these guests continued to use OTA’s to make their reservations. Monthly OTA commissions costs are expensive and, naturally, they wanted to change this. 

To help the hotel to attract more returning guests to their direct booking channel, we first of all made sure that the direct booking advantages and options were highlighted and clearly visible in their HotelBooQi.

After delivery of their HotelBooQis, our implementation expert went to the hotel, to train the staff on how to best execute the HotelBooQi. Initial focus was on the front office staff, as they are responsible for handing out the HotelBooQi’s to the guests. 

Briefly explaining the advantages of the HotelBooQi to the guest, is not only important during the check-in, but also during the check-out process. When a guest is checking out, the front office employee can play a role in encouraging them to take their HotelBooQi home and use the exclusive code when booking their next reservation. in encouraging them to take their HotelBooQi home and use the exclusive code for his next reservation. The guests are happy because they are being rewarded for loyalty and the hotel is happy because they save on costly OTA commissions.

Accorindg to Roberto, the Nuevo Hotel’s focus on reducing OTA commissions resulted in a 12% increase in direct booking directly attributable to the promotion code that was presented in the HotelBooQi and, of course, the excellent work of their trained front office staff.

For the whole story watch this video of Roberto and his team!